How to Remove Shoe Odors With Baking Soda

Make shoes smell fresh again with a pantry basic and a few simple steps

Project Overview
  • Total Time: 1 day

If you're dealing with smelly shoes, one of the easiest ways to remove odors is to follow a few simple steps using baking soda in shoes. Many commercial products are touted to mask or eliminate shoe odor, but this pantry basic will do the trick.

Baking soda works quickly as an odor remover to eliminate odors by absorbing smells. While you may already use it around your house in other applications, it works similarly when placed in your shoes.


Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) removes odors by neutralizing the acidic pH of other substances, including moisture in shoes where bacteria thrive and odors from human sweat.

canvas sneakers in a cabinet

The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija

Illustration of how to wash sneakers in a dishwasher.

The Spruce / Lara Antal

materials for removing shoe odors
The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Small pieces of cloth (or socks)


  • Baking soda
  • Essential oil (such as lavender)
  • Large zip-top bag


How to Remove Odors in Shoes With Baking Soda

Baking soda is an effective way to reach every corner of your shoes and eliminate odors. It works well with cloth shoes, though cautious with leather and suede shoes, as a buildup of baking soda can cause these materials to become brittle. Use baking soda sachets with suede and leather shoes.

measuring cup with baking soda
The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija
  1. Sprinkle Baking Soda in Your Shoes

    Sprinkle ordinary household baking soda directly into your shoes. Use about a tablespoon for each shoe or a little more for a large shoe. Shake the shoes around to distribute the powder.

    a person sprinkling baking soda inside shoes
    The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija
  2. Let Sit for 24 Hours

    Let the powder remain in your shoes for a full 24 hours to give the baking soda time to fully absorb odors. If you're in a hurry, you can cut that to 12 hours or overnight.

    let baking soda sit in shoes for 24 hours
    The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija
  3. Shake Out Any Excess Powder

    Make sure to shake out the excess powder before wearing your shoes again. If your shoes still smell, you can repeat the process to try to remove any remaining odor.

    discard excess baking soda in the trash
    The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija

How to Make Shoe Odor Removal Sachets With Baking Soda

If you are removing odors from leather or suede shoes, then a baking soda sachet is a safer way to prevent the baking soda from damaging these materials. You can reuse these sachets multiple times.

  1. Add Baking Soda to an Old Sock: Use an old sock or any piece of cloth that can be tied together to make your sachet (the sock provides an easy-to-fill pouch!). Pour baking soda inside the sock and tie it closed with ribbon or string.
  2. Drop in Essential Oil: Add a few drops of essential oil to the sachets, such as lavender, to help add a pleasant fragrance to the sachet.
  3. Place the Sachets in Your Shoes: You can place these sachets in your shoes each time you take them off. You can keep the sachet in the shoes until you wear them again or leave them for 24 hours for a quick odor-eliminating job.
person using a string and sock to make baking soda sachets
The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija 

How to Clean Odors From Sandals Using Baking Soda 

Sandals worn with bare feet are particularly susceptible to odors and are particularly stubborn when it comes to freeing them from odors.

  1. Prepare a Plastic Bag: Place 1/2 cup of baking soda into a large zip-top bag.
  2. Insert the Shoes: Place the sandals in the plastic bag and seal it.
  3. Shake the Bag: Shaking the bag will distribute the baking soda over the sandals. Leave the sandals in the bag for at least 48 hours.
  4. Remove the Sandals: Take the sandals out of the bag and shake off the excess baking soda before you wear them again. With leather or suede sandals, make sure to wipe off the baking soda from the straps. Your sandals are now freshly clean and ready to wear.
person placing shoes in a ziplock bag
The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija

Benefits of Using Baking Soda in Shoes 

When you use baking soda rather than a commercial odor eliminator, there are multiple benefits, including a more natural product that is less likely to irritate. Plus, it is an affordable way to remove smells.

  • Using baking soda to remove shoe odors reduces the chance of a sensitive skin reaction that might occur with other products.
  • Baking soda removes odors without adding other fragrances that linger and mingle with your shoes.
  • Baking soda also acts as a fungicide and has mild antibacterial properties.
  • Baking soda is by far the cheapest way to treat and clean smelly shoes.
  • Dry baking soda powder absorbs humidity, which reduces the conditions by which odor-producing bacteria thrive.

Tips for Preventing Shoe Odor

  • Air out your shoes regularly by opening the laces and placing the shoes in a sunny spot. Sun is a natural disinfectant.
  • Wet insoles, orthopedic inserts, or other wet parts of a shoe encourage bacteria growth (and odor). Remove any wet parts of the shoe (if you can) and air-dry the shoe in a warm spot or a clothes dryer set on low heat.
  • Don't wear the same shoes every day. Alternating pairs of shoes gives the offenders time to air out and dry completely.
  • Wear socks with your shoes whenever possible. Socks will absorb the sweat moisture that fosters odor in shoes.
  • How long does it take for baking soda to remove odor in shoes?

    Ideally, baking soda will have a full 24 hours to get to work removing odor from shoes. However, if you're short on time, baking soda works quickly and will eliminate many odors within a few hours or overnight.

  • Will baking soda bleach my shoes?

    While baking soda can help whiten shoes, it generally will not discolor or bleach them. A build-up of baking soda, however, can make some materials, like leather or suede, brittle.

  • Does baking soda clean or just deodorize?

    On its own, baking soda is a great deodorizer. It cleans your shoes when mixed with water, vinegar, or another ingredient that helps it form a paste.

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  1. Letscher-Bru V, Obszynski CM, Samsoen M, Sabou M, Waller J, Candolfi E. Antifungal Activity of Sodium Bicarbonate Against Fungal Agents Causing Superficial Infections. Mycopathologia, vol. 175, no. 1-2, pp. 153-8, 2013. doi:10.1007/s11046-012-9583-2

  2. Ratnesar-Shumate S, Williams G, Green B et al. Simulated Sunlight Rapidly Inactivates SARS-CoV-2 on SurfacesJ Infect Dis. 2020;222(2):214-222. doi:10.1093/infdis/jiaa274